何书元, 艾明要, 沈俊山. 对左截断数据估计平稳序列[J]. 应用概率统计, 2006, 22(3): 237-244.
引用本文: 何书元, 艾明要, 沈俊山. 对左截断数据估计平稳序列[J]. 应用概率统计, 2006, 22(3): 237-244.
HE Shuyuan, AI Mingyao, SUN Xinli. Estimate a Stationary Process under Left Censoring[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 2006, 22(3): 237-244.
Citation: HE Shuyuan, AI Mingyao, SUN Xinli. Estimate a Stationary Process under Left Censoring[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 2006, 22(3): 237-244.


Estimate a Stationary Process under Left Censoring

  • 摘要: 设平稳信号过程\X_t\被白噪声序列\Y_t\干扰. 只有X_t>Y_t时可以观测到信号过程X_t, 否则只能观测到白噪声Y_t. 这种数据模型被称为左截断数据模型. 本文在左截断数据模型下估计平稳信号过程的\X_t\均值, 自协方差函数, 和自相关系数. 证明所给的估计量是强相合估计. 当X_t是自回归序列时, 本文给出自回归模型的强相合的参数估计.


    Abstract: Let \X_t\ be a stationary signal process interfered by an white noise \Y_t\. The signal X_t is detected and observed only when X_t>Y_t, otherwise only the white noise Y_t is observed. This model is called the left censored model and the observation is called the left censored observation. In this paper we use the nonparametric MLE of the marginal distributions of X_t and Y_t to construct estimates of the mean, autocovariance and autocorrelation functions of the original signal process \X_t\. The strong consistency of the estimates is derived. When \X_t\ is a causal autoregression process, consistent estimates of the autoregression parameters are provided.


