
Empirical Likelihood Method under Stratified Random Sampling Using Auxiliary Information and the Information in the Strata Population Size

  • 摘要: 本文考虑用在分层随机抽样下的经验似然方法来获得有限总体参数的估计量\bd 我们指出, 经验似然方法非常自然地结合辅助信息和含于层总体大小中的信息\bd 我们的结果显示, 由经验似然方法可获得有效估计.


    Abstract: The empirical likelihood method under stratified random sampling is used for getting estimators of finite population parameters, we show in this paper that the empirical likelihood approach is well-suited to incorporate auxiliary information and can accommodate this information contained in the population size for each stratum quite naturally. Our results show that it can lead to efficient estimators.


