马世霞, 王永进:. 人口数相依的两性分支过程的极限性质[J]. 应用概率统计, 2007, 23(4): 352-360.
引用本文: 马世霞, 王永进:. 人口数相依的两性分支过程的极限性质[J]. 应用概率统计, 2007, 23(4): 352-360.
MA Shixia, WANG Yongjing. On the Limit Behaviour of the Population-Size-Dependent Bisexual Branching Processes[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 2007, 23(4): 352-360.
Citation: MA Shixia, WANG Yongjing. On the Limit Behaviour of the Population-Size-Dependent Bisexual Branching Processes[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 2007, 23(4): 352-360.


On the Limit Behaviour of the Population-Size-Dependent Bisexual Branching Processes

  • 摘要: 本文研究了后代分布依赖于人口数的两性Galton-Watson分支过程, 在对后代分布的适当假设下, 对于上临界的情况, 我们研究了有关过程的几乎处处收敛的极限性质.


    Abstract: In this paper, a bisexual Galton-Watson branching process with the law of offspring distribution dependent on the population size is investigated. Under a suitable assumption on the offspring distribution, for the supercritical case, the limit behaviours on almost sure convergence of the process are established.


