韦博成. 《红楼梦》前80回与后40回某些文风差异的统计分析\,(两个独立二项总体等价性检验的一个应用)[J]. 应用概率统计, 2009, 25(4): 441-448.
引用本文: 韦博成. 《红楼梦》前80回与后40回某些文风差异的统计分析\,(两个独立二项总体等价性检验的一个应用)[J]. 应用概率统计, 2009, 25(4): 441-448.
Wei Bocheng. Statistical Analysis on the Differences of Writing Style\\Between First 80 Chapters and Last 40 Chapters in \\《Dream of Red Mansions》\\(An Application of Equivalent Test on Two Independent\\Binomial Populations)[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 2009, 25(4): 441-448.
Citation: Wei Bocheng. Statistical Analysis on the Differences of Writing Style\\Between First 80 Chapters and Last 40 Chapters in \\《Dream of Red Mansions》\\(An Application of Equivalent Test on Two Independent\\Binomial Populations)[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 2009, 25(4): 441-448.


Statistical Analysis on the Differences of Writing Style\\Between First 80 Chapters and Last 40 Chapters in \\《Dream of Red Mansions》\\(An Application of Equivalent Test on Two Independent\\Binomial Populations)

  • 摘要: 本文以数据分析为基础, 应用统计学中``两总体等价性检验''的理论和方法, 提供了一个强有力的证据: 《红楼梦》前80回与后40回在某些重要的情景描写上确实存在非常显著的差异, 这一结论的可信概率不低于98\%.


    Abstract: Based on data analysis, using the theory and method of ``equivalent test on two independent binomial populations'', this paper provides a strong evidence that there are significant differences on the writing of sights between first 80 chapters and last 40 chapters in 《Dream of Red Mansions》. The confidence probability of this conclusion is greater than 98\%.


