房云, 於州. 条件三阶中心矩的局部线性估计[J]. 应用概率统计, 2011, 27(1): 72-80.
引用本文: 房云, 於州. 条件三阶中心矩的局部线性估计[J]. 应用概率统计, 2011, 27(1): 72-80.
Fang Yun, Yu Zhou. Local Linear Estimation of Conditional Third Central Moment[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 2011, 27(1): 72-80.
Citation: Fang Yun, Yu Zhou. Local Linear Estimation of Conditional Third Central Moment[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 2011, 27(1): 72-80.


Local Linear Estimation of Conditional Third Central Moment

  • 摘要: 本文给出了条件三阶中心矩的局部线性估计, 并研究了估计的条件偏差和方差. 本文利用广义交叉核实法(GCV)进行窗宽选择. 我们通过模拟说明了该估计的实用性


    Abstract: In this paper, we propose a local linear estimator for conditional third central moment. The asymptotic bias and variance are derived. General cross validation (GCV) is recommended for bandwidth selection. A simple simulation study is carried out to illustrate the usefulness of the proposed method. \newcommand\fundinfoThis work was supported by National Social Science Foundation (08CTJ001)


