
A Stochastic Maximum Principle for Optimal Control of Jump Diffusions and Applications to Finance

  • 摘要: 讨论了由金融市场中投资组合和消费选择问题引出的一类最优控制问题, 投资者的期望效用是常数相对风险厌恶(CRRA)情形. 在跳扩散框架下, 利用古典变分法得到了一个局部随机最大值原理. 结果应用到最优投资组合和消费选择策略问题, 得到了状态反馈形式的显式最优解.


    Abstract: An optimal control problem motivated by a portfolio and consumption choice problem in the financial market where the expected utility of the investor is assumed to be the Constant Relative Risk Aversion (CRRA) case is discussed. A local stochastic maximum principle is obtained in the jump-diffusion setting using classical variational method. The result is applied to make optimal portfolio and consumption choice strategy for the problem and the explicit optimal solution in the state feedback form is given.


