黄海午, 王定成, 吴群英. $\wt{\varphi}$混合随机变量序列的强收敛定律[J]. 应用概率统计, 2012, 28(2): 181-188.
引用本文: 黄海午, 王定成, 吴群英. $\wt{\varphi}$混合随机变量序列的强收敛定律[J]. 应用概率统计, 2012, 28(2): 181-188.
Huang Haiwu, Wang Dingcheng, Wu Qunying. Strong Convergence Laws for $\wt{\varphi}$-Mixing Sequences of Random Variables[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 2012, 28(2): 181-188.
Citation: Huang Haiwu, Wang Dingcheng, Wu Qunying. Strong Convergence Laws for $\wt{\varphi}$-Mixing Sequences of Random Variables[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 2012, 28(2): 181-188.


Strong Convergence Laws for \wt\varphi-Mixing Sequences of Random Variables

  • 摘要: 本文建立了\wt\varphi混合随机变量序列的几乎处处收敛性和完全收敛性的结果. 所获结果不仅把独立随机变量经典的Khintchine-Kolmogorov收敛定理和三级数收敛定理推广至\wt\varphi混合随机变量情形下, 并在没有增加任何附加条件下改进了相关结果.


    Abstract: In this paper, the almost sure convergence and complete convergence for \wt\varphi-mixing random variables are established. The results obtained not only extend and generalize the classical Khintchine-Kolmogorov Convergence Theorem, the Three Series Theorem for independent random variables to the case of \wt\varphi-mixing random variables, but also improve the relevant results without necessarily adding any extra any conditions.


