
Lower Bound of Gini Index for Mixed Distribution--- with Results for China with Urban-Rural DualisticStructure

  • 摘要: 本文研究基尼系数的估计问题. 国家统计局每年发布的统计年鉴包含城镇和农村个人收入的分组数据, 但分点不相同并且未公布. 这些情况对于估计整个社会的基尼系数带来挑战. 本文对于两个总体按照一定比例混合后的新总体, 针对来自原来两个总体的分组数据, 给出了新总体的基尼系数的下限. 并将所得的结果用于计算我国城乡合在一起时基尼系数的下限值. 这些结果容易推广到更多总体混合情形, 也可以应用到其它实际情况的基尼系数的估计, 比如国家或地区的联合体.


    Abstract: This paper studies the lower bound of the Gini index for the mixed distribution of two distributions with certain weights by grouped data. These results are used to calculate the Gini index for China with urban-rural dualistic structure. They could be expanded to mixed distributions with more than two sub-distributions and could be used to other real situations, such as union of countries or areas.


