
On the Moment Convergence for Weighted Sums of Pairwise NQD Random Variables

  • 摘要: 关于加权系数阵列h-可积的条件下, 研究了两两NQD列加权和的矩收敛性. 作者获得了一个新结果, 解决了Sung等人(2008)的公开问题, 并改进了Cabrera和Volodin. , (2005)的相应定理.


    Abstract: Under the condition of h-integrability with respect to an array of weights, the moment convergence for weighted sums of pairwise negative quadrant dependent random variables is studied. The authors obtain a new result, and solve the open problem in Sung et al. ,(2008) and improve the corresponding theorem of Cabrera and Volodin (2005).


