
Pricing Asian Options in a Double Stochastic Jump-Diffusion Model

  • 摘要: 研究了双随机跳扩散模型下的亚式期权的定价问题. 首先引入一个双随机跳扩散过程. 然后通过测度变换消除了亚式期权定价中的路经依赖性问题. 最后利用鞅定价方法和Ito引理得到了跳扩散模型下的亚式期权价格必须满足的一个积微分方程. 通过数值求解该积微分方程就可以得到了亚式期权的价格, 供投资者参考.


    Abstract: In this paper, the problem of pricing Asian options in double stochastic jump-diffusion is researched. Firstly a double stochastic jump-diffusion model is introduced. Secondly the inherently path dependent problem of pricing Asian options can be eliminated by measure change. In the end the integro-differential equation that the price of a Asian option must satisfy is given. The equation can be numerically solved and a referred price can be got for investor.


