On Effects of Augmentation of data on Condition Index
YANG Hu, WANG Songgui, ZHANG Zhongzhan
1995, 11(3): 225-234.
Abstract PDF
Asymptotic Efficiency in a Partly Autoregressive Model
1995, 11(3): 235-246.
Abstract PDF
Behaviour of the Imbedded Markov Chain of the General Bulk Service Queueing System
LI Yinguo
1995, 11(3): 247-255.
Abstract PDF
A Law of the Iterated Logarithm for Transient Brownian Motion
GAO Fuqing
1995, 11(3): 256-262.
Abstract PDF
Method of Moments with Unknown Distribution Form
ZHENG Zukang
1995, 11(3): 263-272.
Abstract PDF
Convergence Properties of the Weighted Sums of φ-mixing Random Sequences
YANG Shanchao
1995, 11(3): 273-282.
Abstract PDF
Uniform Measure and Uniform Dimension Results for the Image of Subset under Processes with Stable Components
ZHAO Xingqiu
1995, 11(3): 283-288.
Abstract PDF
Statistical Analysis of Accelerated Life-Tests with Competing Causes of Failure Under Exponential Distribution
ZHANG Zhihua, MAO Shisong
1995, 11(3): 289-296.
Abstract PDF
Interval Estimation in the Step-Stress Accelerated Life Testing based on the Exponential Model
FEI Heliang
1995, 11(3): 297-304.
Abstract PDF
The Statistical Inference for Generalized Stable Processes
WANG Chuanhai
1995, 11(3): 305-314.
Abstract PDF
The Path Decomposition of Non-reversible Stationary Q Processes
DENG Yingchun
1995, 11(3): 315-321.
Abstract PDF
Statistical Method for Random Field Model of Soil Profile in Geotechnical Foundation
ZHENG Jianghui, LIN Zhongmin
1995, 11(3): 322-328.
Abstract PDF