On the Dimensions of the Ranges for A Class of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Type Markov Processes
WANG Yongjin
1996, 12(1): 1-9.
Abstract PDF
Stochastic Decomposition and Optimal Policy of the M/G/1 Queue with the N-policy and Server Vacations
SHI Dinghua, LIU Bin
1996, 12(1): 10-18.
Abstract PDF
Dimension Results in Product Probability Spaces
DAI Chaoshou
1996, 12(1): 19-28.
Abstract PDF
Regression Function Kernel Estimation Based on Synthetic Data Under Random Censorship
LU Xuewen
1996, 12(1): 29-36.
Abstract PDF
Some Expressions for the Number of Open Cluster per VertexK(p)
1996, 12(1): 37-42.
Abstract PDF
Statistical Inference in a Model with at Most One Change-point
TAN Zhiping
1996, 12(1): 43-54.
Abstract PDF
A Comment on the Book “Continuous-Time Markov Chains” by W. J. Anderson
1996, 12(1): 55-59.
Abstract PDF
REN Zhe, CHEN Minghua
1996, 12(1): 60-64.
Abstract PDF
A Limit Theorem for Lengths of Runs in Markov Chains
ZHAO Yuesheng
1996, 12(1): 65-68.
Abstract PDF
Empirical Distribution Function for m(n)-dependent Sample and Its Application to Hazard’s Estimate
QIN Gengsheng, SHI Sunjuan
1996, 12(1): 69-76.
Abstract PDF
A Note on Sharp Inequality of Stopped Sumsof Non-Negative IID Random Variables
XIA Aihua
1996, 12(1): 77-80.
Abstract PDF
Estimation of Parameters for Mixed-effect Coefficient Linear Model
ZHUANG Dongchen, MAO Shisong
1996, 12(1): 81-87.
Abstract PDF
Multivariate Control Charts Based on a Small Number of Subgroups
ZHANG Weiming
1996, 12(1): 88-94.
Abstract PDF
Reliability Analysis for Weibull Zero Failure Data
MAO Shisong, WANG Lingling, PU Xiaolong
1996, 12(1): 95-107.
Abstract PDF