Some Exact Finite Sample Properties of Zellner’s Seemingly Unrelated Regression Equations Estimates
Graphical Abstract
This paper considers Zellner’s "Aitken" estimator \hat\beta_Z 1 of β1 based on the unrestricted estimate S of Σ =(σij) in the system of m seemingly unrelated regressions: Yi = Xiβi +εi(i = 1, …, m),and derive finite sample variance matrix of the \hat\beta_Z 1 under the condition X'1Xi(i=2,…,m). This condition is weaker than the condition X'iXj = 0(i≠j,i,j = 1, …,m) considered by Zellner (1963),Kataota (1967) and Revanker (1974).