A Result Concerning the Weak Consistency of LS Estimates of Linear Regression Coefficients
Graphical Abstract
Suppose in linear model yi=x'iβ+ei, 1≤i≤n, e1,e2,…are i.i.d.,Ee1=0,0<E|e1| r<∞,1≤r<2. It is shown in 1 that if S_n^-1 \triangleq\left(\sum_i=1^n x_i, x_i^\prime\right)^-1=O\left(n^-\frac2-rr\right), then the LS estimate of β,^βn,is r-th mean consistent hence weakly consistent. In this note it is shown that for any constant sequence cn such that lim inf(cnn-(2-r)/r)= 0, the condition Sn-1=O(cn-1)is no longer sufficient for ^βn to be weakly consistent.