Graphical Abstract
Let S be a countable set. X=0, 1, …, ms. P(=(p(x, y))x,y∈s) a transition probability matrix, g (·) is a strictly monotonically increasing function with g (0) = 0. We say that (ηt, Pη) is a generalized simple exclusion process if it is uniquely determined by the generator \Omega f(\eta)=\sum_u \in G g(\eta(u)) \sum_v \in \mathbbB p(u, v)\leftf\left(\eta_u v\right)-f(\eta)\right, f \in \mathscrF(X), \eta \in \boldsymbolX. where \mathscrF(X) is the set of the all cylindrical functions on X; if η(u) =0 or η(v)=m or u=v then η(uv)=η, otherwise ηuv(u)=η(u)-1, ηuv(v)=η(v) +1, ηuv(w)=η(w), w \bar\in\u, v\. When m=1, it is a simple exclusion process proposed and studied by Spitzer and Liggett. When m≥1 and P is positive recurrent and reversible, we obtained the ergodic theorem. In this paper we deal with the case of m≥1 and a potential random walk P. We obtain the description of all the translation invariant and invariant measures for the processes. A part of results of Liggett on simple exclusion processes is extended. Theorem. Let s=Zd, P is a potential irreducible random walk on Zd. Then the set of all extreme points of the translation invariant and invariant measures for the process coincides with Vp: 0≤ρ≤∞, where v0 and v∞ are the unit masses on 0(0∈X, 0(x)=0, \forall x \in S)) and M(M∈X,M(x)=m, \forall x \in S)) respectively; v0 (0<ρ<∞)are product measures with marginal distributions \nu, \eta(x)=k)=\frac\rho^kg(k) g(k-1) \cdots g(1) / \sum_i=1^m \frac\rho^ig(i) g(i-1) \cdots g(1)+1 \quad 0 \leqslant k \leqslant m, x \in S.