Convergence Rate of B-spline M-estimators in the Varying Coefficient Model
Graphical Abstract
The model being studied in this paper is the varying coefficient model y(t)=XT(t)β(t)+ε(t), where(y(tij),Xi(tij),tij) is the jth measurement of (y(t),X(t),t) for the ith subjects,β(t)=(β1(t),…,βp(t))TT are smooth nonparametric coefficient curves. We consider B-spline M-estimators by minimizing \sum_i=1^m \sum_j=1^n_i \rho\left(y_i j-X_i^\tau\left(t_i j\right) \beta\left(t_i j\right)\right) over β(t) in a linear space of B-spline function. If the true coefficient function are smooth up to order r (r > 1/2), we show that the optimal global convergence rate of n-2/(2r+1) (Stone(1985)) is attainted for the B-spline M-estimators if the number of knots is the order of n1/(2r+1).