Asymptotic Distribution of the Improved Kernel Regression Function Estimates
Graphical Abstract
Suppose that (X1, Y1),…, (Xn, Yn) is a random sample sequence from (X, Y), If EY is finite, the regression function m (of Y on X) is defined by m(x)= E(Y|X = x). In this paper, we obtain the asymptotic normality of the improved kernel regression function estimates \widehatm_n(x)=\sum_i=1^n Y_i I(Yi<bn)K(\fracx-X_ih_n)/\sum_i=1^n Y_i IK(\fracx-X_ih_n) . Where K is a univariate density function, 0 < hn → 0 and 0 <bn → ∞ (n → ∞).