Asymptotic Probability of Record Numbers in Random Walks
摘要: 本文研究了在一定条件下的随机游动中记录数的大偏差和中偏差极限定理. 结果表明记录数的大偏差和中偏差的速率函数与弱记录数的相应速率函数有所不同。文章结论是对Li和Yao
1 结果的有趣补充, 有助于我们更好地理解随机游动的波动理论.Abstract: In this paper, large deviations principle (LDP) and moderate deviations principle (MDP) of record numbers in random walks are studied under certain conditions. The results show that the rate functions of LDP and MDP are different from those of weak record numbers, which are interesting complements of the conclusions by Li and Yao1 .