Optimal Reserve Price Design of Multi-Unit Online Auctions
摘要: 本文在独立私人价值模型的基础上,考虑了投标者以非齐次泊松过程到达和拍卖网站产生的陈列费,佣金费和广告费等成本,研究了同质多物品网上拍卖的最优保留价设计.保留价策略分为不设置保留价,公开保留价和隐藏保留价三种,考虑了投标者到达人数大于和不超过拍卖物品数两种情况,建立了不同策略下拍卖商的期望收益模型,通过对模型的分析得到了一般性结论:在拍卖网站用户基础有限或投标者到达人数不是特别多的情况下,隐藏保留价对拍卖商来说是占优策略,而当拍卖网站用户基础特别好或投标者到达人数特别多时,公开和隐藏保留价的策略是等价的,且此时两种情况的最优策略都是不设置保留价.Abstract: Based on an independent private value model, this paper Considered that the bidders arrive with an non-homogeneous Poisson process, considered costs such as the display fees generated by the auction website, commissions expense and advertising expense and studied the optimal reserve price design for homogeneous multi-unit online auction. The reserve price strategy is divided into three categories: no setting reserve price, opening reserve price and hiding reserve price. This paper also considered two cases where the number of bidders arriving is greater than and not more than the number of auction items and established the expected revenue model of auctioneers under different strategies. Through the analysis of the model, the general conclusion is obtained: when the auction website user base is limited or the number of bidders arriving is not particularly large, hiding reserve price is a dominant strategy for an auctioneer, when the auction website has a particularly good user base or the number of bidders arriving is particularly large, the strategy of opening and hiding reserve price is equivalent, and the optimal strategy of both cases is not to set the reserve price.