LAD Estimation for Linear Regression Models with Contaminated Data
摘要: 对于线性回归模型, 在因变量受到另一与之独立的随机变量序列的污染时, 基于最小一乘的方法给出模型参数的估计. 在一定条件下,证明了估计量的相合性和渐近正态性, 并使用模拟对估计方法的小样本性质进行了分析.模拟结果显示, 本文所提方法在小样本情况下表现良好.Abstract: In this paper, linear regression models with contaminated data are considered. Estimation methods for the regression parameters based on least absolute deviations (LAD) are proposed, and properties of consistency and asymptotic normality of the proposed method are proved under some regular conditions. Simulations are done to assess the properties of the method when sample size is small, and simulation results show that the methods works well.