Optimal Reinsurance Design of the Implicit Default Risk of the Reinsurance Company under Wang's Premium Principle
摘要: 本文考虑到再保险公司违约风险对保险人再保险的影响,利用VaR风险度量研究最优再保险策略. 在再保险合同中,再保险公司向保险人收取一定的保费, 承诺赔偿再保险人面临的部分损失. 但,当再保险公司承诺的限额超过其偿付能力就可能发生违约风险. 因此,为了避免再保险公司违约风险, 使保险公司的总风险最小, 本文根据王氏保费准则,运用VaR风险度量的最优化标准, 得到分层再保险是最优的, 并给出相应的数值算例.Abstract: Based on the default risk effect of reinsurance company for reinsurer, this paper studies the optimal reinsurance strategy by VaR optimality criterion. In a reinsurance contract, reinsurance company will charge the number of premium to undertake part of the insurer's loss. However, if the reinsurance company's commitment exceeds its solvency, the default risk will occur. In order to avoid the default risk and minimize the total risk of the insurance company, the paper introduces Wang's premium principle to obtain the optimal reinsurance policy under VaR risk measure. Some numerical examples are given to illustrate these results.