Characterizations on Almost Stochastic Dominance Revisited
摘要: 几乎随机占优在经济和金融的研究中正受到人们越来越多的关注. 在本文中, 我们给出了一阶和二阶几乎随机占优的一个刻画,即两个分布之间满足一阶或二阶几乎随机占优关系, 当且仅当存在一个新的分布,使得该新分布充分贴近其中一个分布,且该新分布在通常一阶或二阶随机占优意义下占优或被占优于另外一个分布函数. 我们也研究了无界随机变量几乎随机占优的概念.Abstract: Almost stochastic dominance has been receiving more attention in the financial and economic literature. In this short note, we characterize the almost first- and second-degree stochastic dominance by requiring one distribution to be ``close to'' a new distribution that dominates or is dominated by another distribution in the traditional sense of the first- and second-order stochastic dominance, respectively. We also investigate the concept of almost stochastic dominance for unbounded random variables.