
The Linear Admissble Estimators for A Linear Function of Two Scale Parameters

  • 摘要:Y=(Y1,Y2)',Y1,Y2≥0;EY=β=(β1,β2)',CovY=k diag(β12,β22),β∈(R+2是参数,k>0为常数,其中R+=(0,∞)我们估计l'β,这里l'=(l1,l2)。选取的损失函数为平方损失,估计类为L=A'Y:A=(a1,a2)'是常数向量,a1,a2≥ 0。我们研究 A'YL中的容许性,得到了A'YL中是l'β的容许估计的充要条件。


    Abstract: LetY=(y1,y2)',y1,y2≥0;EY=β=(β1,β2)', VarY=k diag(β12,β22),β∈(R+2 is a parameter vector , where K> 0 is constant and R+=(0,∞). We estimate L'β, where L'=(L1,L2)'. Under squared-error loss function, a sufficient and necessary condition that a linear estimator is L-admissible about L'β is gained, where L=A'Y:A=(a1,a2)' is a 2×1 constant vector, a1,a2 ≥ 0).


