The convergence rates of empirical Bayes estimation for the parameters of multi-parameter discrete exponential family
摘要: 本文构造了多参数离散指数族参数的渐近最优的经验Bayes(EB)估计,若记Rn(δn,G)为δn的全面Bayes风险,RG最小Bayes风险,则在某些条件下,c_1 n^-1
λ<1,μ>2成立,其中c1, c2为正的常数。 Abstract: Asymptotically optimal empirical Bayes (EB) estimators δn for the parameters of multi-parameter discrete exponential families are proposed. Under suitable conditions, we prove that, the overall Bayes risk of EB estimatorsconverge to the minimum Bayes risk with ratec_1 n^-1λ<1 and μ>2, for some positive constants c1, c2.