The Impact of Domestic Listing on the H Shares:An Event Study Approch
摘要: 本文就相应的A股上市对H股的影响作一经验研究.利用事件分析的标准方法考察了双重上市日期前后的每日异常回报,表明了双重上市对回报有负的作用.虽然这一结果迄今未能获得令人满意的解释,却与前人研究的结果相一致.
我国国有企业,通过H股的发行,虽然达到了吸引外资的初始目标,但鉴于本文的研究结果,即随着相应A股日后在国内上市而给H股带来负面效应,将会使H股的发行更为困难.这一可能的后果是不容忽视的。Abstract: This paper empirically examines the impact of the listing of corresponding A shares on Ⅱshares. Using standard cvent methodology to examine the daily abnormal returns around thedual listing date shows that the dual listing has a negative ellect on returns. this is consistentwith previous studies although satisfactory explanation has not been offered.