The Design Theory of Adaptive Control Charts
摘要: 质量控制图是首先由Shewhart于1924年提出的,之后得到了广泛的研究与应用,取得了相当不错的经济效益与社会效益,尤其是对战后世界经济的发展做出了巨大的贡献.由于经典的质量控制图均假设抽样区间与样本容量是固定的,且控制限也是固定的(常用的即为3σ准则),这一点很不适合当今经济社会的发展.于是Reynolds etal(1988)提出了变化抽样区间的均值控制图,并由此形成了动态质量控制图这一新的研究领域.后来,又有人提出变化样本容量及变化控制限的控制图,并得到了一系列的关于这类动态控制图的研究成果.本文将对十几年来关于动态控制图的研究成果进行一些概述,并提出一些还有待研究的问题或方向.Abstract: Quality control chart was driven by Shewhart in 1924, got wide research and applications, plays a important role for the development of world economy. For the classical control charts their parameters, such as sampling interval, sample size and control limit coefficients, are all fixed. Reymold et al (1988) provided the(~X) control charts with variable sampling interval firstly, and then the research field of adaptive control charts has been formed. The researched results of adaptive control charts will be introduced in this paper. Some open problems about adaptive control charts will be given by this paper.