A Sampling Strategy for Successive Sampling on Two Occasions with the Data Recalled
摘要: 对同一总体定期连续调查是常见的一类抽样调查,在这一类中有不少调查可利用调查问卷回溯得到前一时期的数据。以这些数据为辅助变量可大大提高估计精度,本文考虑了这一类调查的抽样策略,并利用我国1988年生育节育调查的资料作了模拟。Abstract: We consider a kind of successive sampling on two occasions, in which the data in the last time can be recalled from the survey questionaire in this time. The data in the last time is good as auxiliary data for estimating the characteristics of population in this time. We propose a sampling strategy for this kind of successive sampling and present a simulation study with the data of sample survey of fertility and birth control in China in 1988.