
Method of Moments with Unknown Distribution Form

  • 摘要: 我们考虑分布形式未知的矩法,假设分布函数Fθx)可用一多项式表示或逼近。多项式的阶数r未知,其系数为未知参数θ1,…,θr。我们给出了θ1,…,θr的一种新的矩法估计,r可自动地求得,估计是强一致的。


    Abstract: In this paper we consider the method of moments with unknown distribution form. Assume that the distribution function Fθx) can be expressed or approached by a polynomial with unknown power r and parameters θ1; …,θr are involved as the coefficients. We develop a new method of moments to estimate the parameters θ1,…,θr and find the r automatically. The estimates are strong consistent.


