Bayesian Estimator for the Exponential Distribution with the Competing Causes of Failure under Accelerated Life Test
摘要: 在指数分布场合下,本文给出了竞争失效产品加速寿命试验(恒加试验,步加试验)一种新的Bayes估计,这种估计方法能充分利用产品各失效机理在正常应力水平下的先验信息。最后利用Monte-Carlo方法对这种估计作了模拟比较。Abstract: This paper presents a new Bayesian estimator for the exponential distribution with the com-peting causes of failure under the constant stress and step stress accelerated life test. The Bayesian approach is able to make full use of prior information on failure rate of competing failure causes under normal stress level. Finally simulation comparison is given.