Moment Estimation of the Three-parameter Weibull Distribution under Censored Samples
摘要: 本文讨论了在定数截尾样本下三参数成布尔分布的矩估计问题。在定数截尾情形下,将威布尔分布数据转化为均匀分布数据,利用平均剩余寿命构造样本矩,同时,第三阶矩方程用样本的第一个次序统计量来代替,得到了在定数载尾样本下三参数威布尔分布的矩估计方程,用随机模拟方法得出了矩估计的偏性和均方误差。并与近似MLE进行了比较,表明此矩估计方法有较好的性质。Abstract: Based on censored samples, the problem of moment estimation of the three-parameter Weibull distribution is discussed, mean residual lifetime is used to constructed sample moment. With the method of transformation, the modified moment equation is derived, and the modified moment estimators (MME) are proposed thereby.