
Exact Distribution Theory of Runs

  • 摘要: 本文给出了游程分布理论的一个回顾.近年来,许多作者在这一分支上发表了大量论文,并将其应用于各种领域.本文简要地介绍了游程分布理论的发展和一些结果.给出了研究的一些常用手法,并列举了一些应用的例子.


    Abstract: A review on distributions of runs and succession events under various situations is given. Recently, a considerable number of studies have been made in this field with applications to reliability theory of consecutive systems, start--up demonstration tests, etc. In this paper, exact distribution theory is mainly surveyed such as discrete distributions of order k. The classical discrete distributions such as binomial, negative binomial and Poisson distributions have been modified to become suitable statistical models for practical and complicated applications. There are various modifications on underlying seqnences of trials or sampling schemes. Modifications on ways of connting the number of runs have been also considered to adjust the statistical model to practical situations.


