
The Laws of the Iterated Logarithm for Residuals Estimation in Partial Linear Model

  • 摘要: 考虑部分线性模型,其误差是i.i.d.随机变量,具有公共未知分布G.基于残差构造G的非参数光滑估计\widehatG_n。本文建立了\widehatG_n。收敛于G的Chung-Smirnov型上极限和Kolmogorov-Smirnov,Cramer-VonMises型下极限重对数律。


    Abstract: We consider the partial linear model yi = Xi’β+ gTi)+ei, where the residual ei is i.i.d. with unknown connon distribution function G . In this paper, on the basis of the residuals, one first define the estimators \widehatG_n of the distribution G of error, then we show that Chung,Smirnov,Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Cremer-Von Mises properties hold of \widehatG_n for G.


