
Absolute Continuity of Measure Branching Processes with Interaction

  • 摘要: 本文研究Méléard-Roelly(1992,1993)和Métivier(1987)构造的带交互作用的测度值分枝过程的状态性质。我们证明在自然假设下该过程关于Lebesgue测度是绝对连续的,其密度有连续修正且满足一个随机偏微分方程。


    Abstract: We study the state properties of the measure branchiug process over IR with mean field interaction coustructed by Meleard and Roelly (1992, 1993) and Metivier (1987). It is proved that, under natural hypotheses, the process is absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure and the density process has a continuous version which satisfies a stochastic partial differential equation.


