
The Limit Properties of a Class of Averages of Functions of Two Variables of Arbitrary Information Sources

  • 摘要: 本文引进了任意信源相对于马氏信源的相对熵密度偏差的概念,并利用这个概念研究任意m进信源二元函数一类平均值的极限性质。作为主要结果的推论,得到了马氏信源的Shannon-McMillan的一个推广。


    Abstract: In this paper, the notion of the relative entropy density deviation of arbitray information source, relative to Markov information sources, is introduced, and some limit properties of the averages of the functions of two variables of arbitrary m-valued information source are studied by using this notion. As a corollary of the main result, an extension of Shannon-McMillan Theorem is obtained.


