Randomized Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods --Scrambled (t,m,s)-Nets and (t, s)-Sequences
摘要: 通过随机地置换b进(t,m,s)-网与(t,s)-序列的b进数字,Owen(1995)提出了一种随机化蒙特卡罗积分法.这种方法是伪蒙特卡罗方法与蒙特卡罗方法的杂成,它体现了这两种技术的优点.本文介绍这一方法的有关背景及近年来的研究进展情况.Abstract: Owen (1995) proposed a randomized quasi-Monte Carlo method of integration based on randomly permuting the digits in a (t,m,s)-net or a (t,s)-sequence in base b. This method, which is a hybrid of Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo methods, combines the best of these two techniques. This paper introduces the background and the recent development on this method.