The Stopping Rules for Continuous Sampling Plans
摘要: 本文借助于转移概率流向图及马尔可夫链的方法,证明了将仅在全检期间检出不合格品时才可能中止检查的中止检查规则添加在适用于被提交产品总数为无穷的各类连续抽样方案中,将不改变这些方案原有的基本统计特性。Abstract: Introducing the Transition Probability Flow Graphs and Markov Chains, this paper generally proves that adding stopping rule to a continous sampling plan maintains the plan’s the plan’s original three basic stastical characteristics.,if the added rule demands for stopping only on the cone conditions that the last inspected item being found defectives, while the plan is appplied to hte situation that infinitiverly productions being ready for inspecting.