
Pricing NCD System with Different Discount Levels

  • 摘要: 被保险人若在一些年连续无索赔时,保险公司在收取下一年保费可以实行无赔款优待政策.这有利于鼓励被保险人防范风险,且对于保险公司来说可以避免小额索赔而节省费用.本文探讨了被保险人在若干年无索赔情况下,下一年实行不同优待值的多级无赔款优待系统,提出了被保险人及保险人的最优决策.一方面,保险人固定每年的保费π及累计每年优待数额(折扣值)d1,d2,d3,…,d(k-1), d,求出被保险人的最优门槛值.另一方面,本文又考虑了当保险人在前面的基础上,已经获知被保险人的最优策略时,反过来决定优待数额d1,d2,d3,…,d(k-1),d,使得保险人的现金流达到最大.


    Abstract: We price a NCD system with different discount levels, in which the insured receives the discount levels di when he/she has no claims for i years. The NCD system can encourage the insured to keep cautious against risks, and save a lot of small account claims expenses for the insurers. The paper gives optimal decisions for both the insured and the insurer. For the insured, whether to claim depends on whether the realized damage exceeds the threshold values, given the offered contract, and the number of years without claims. In addition, the insurer should decide how to design optimal discount levels when he considers the insured’s reaction.


